Sunday, February 21, 2010


The title of this post is a maxim of Tony Blauer and it certainly applied to the last PDR Class, dealing with a rear choke. This is certainly an eye-opener and a great attack to pressure-test using a 'street' model.
There are many 'theories' to deal with this type of attack but many fail under stress.

The S.P.E.A.R. System™ makes sure we train and replicate human behaviour of the good guy and the bad guy in a real, violent fight, as accurately as is safely possible. It is 'gross-motor' skill based; not 'complex-motor' skill based!

The intention, energy, motivation, commitment, and movement is different in a 'death-match' as opposed to a 'sport-match'. It is an asymmetrical relationship, not a symmetrical relationship. There is no consent, no preparation, no timing, no referee! Simply the bad guy is trying to destroy the good guy in an instinctive and violent way, so we should use our natural, genetic reflex to initially survive the ambush and then transition to a specific tool, whether it is strike, escape, use of a baton (Police Officer), etc.

The rear choke is most definitely one of the worst situations to be surprised by and is certainly a life-threatening attack. Yes, we should be aware, but are we always fully aware, 100% of the time. This makes it the most dangerous aspect of self protection. Better to train it and not need it; than to need it and not train it!

Quote of the class: "I had the paradigm shift from how horrible the experience is, to how much you can do to protect yourself!"

Good work guys!

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