Saturday, April 17, 2010


There was a great energy at class this week, with everyone getting a good anaerobic workout whilst training with the S.P.E.A.R. System™ Weapon Protection drills.

This week the focus was on protecting against 'Edged Weapons' and practicing the core drills that will help develop the ability to survive such a high-risk situation. Over the next few weeks we will build up and lego together the isolated components to replicate the complete scenarios that have a weapon included within it, such as a home invasion, ATM robbery, power-trip attack, etc. using real-life incidents on video to ensure it is replication and not simulation.
The core drills explores how the 'Startle-Flinch' applies to edged weapons and how to convert it to tactics that keep you protected.

The S.P.E.A.R. System™ as always addresses violence from a 3-Dimensional perspective, making sure that we are mirroring in training, what our body/mind/emotions will instinctively do in a real situation. Considering that if a weapon is present, then that of course is amplified and the need for simple, gross-motor based skill sets and tactics is ever greater.

In a gym or dojo, pretty much any technique can be made to work in a demo! However in the street the Bad Guy is trying to destroy you as quickly as possible and not trying to make you look good! That's why in the S.P.E.A.R. System™ we replicate that energy and behaviour of the Bad Guy to stress-inoculate against it and pressure-test what actually works, in a safe but realistic way, to the individual level of students. In our drills, the Bad Guy is always moving, resisting, fighting back and not just standing there in a static pose, allowing the Good Guy to perform their complex-motor skill based techniques.

We also discussed some psychology of the Bad Guy in hostage/threat scenarios. Understanding what the Bag Guy wants and what they don't want, really helps to create better strategy and response options, enhancing safety. Does he just want your wallet? Or does he want more than that?

If you want to learn more and enhance your and your loved ones safety, then feel free to contact us:

Be Safe!
Feel Safe!

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